A new issue of Artibus et Historiae, 85, 2022, has appeared

Papers included in the volume concern subjects ranging from early Rennaissance sculpture, to Venetian paintings by Giovanni Bellini, to the collection of gilt-leather wall-hangings of king Augustus II the Strong, collaboration between the artist Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg and the mathematician and astronomer Georg Frederick Ursin.


Luba Freedman          Sandro Botticelli’s Cupid in Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco’s Anteroom (pp. 9-49)

Marilyn Aronberg Lavin        Bellini’s Frick Saint Francis and the Source of the Absent Side Wound (pp. 51-87)

Michael Douglas-Scott          ‘Ianua Poli’: The Pesaro Triptych by Giovanni Bellini in the Frari, Venice (pp. 89-143)

Marcin Fabiański        King John Albert Jagiellonian and Francesco Fiorentino: The First Italian Renaissance Tomb in Poland (pp. 145-184)

Giancarlo Fiorenza     Bononia docet: Marcantonio Raimondi, Humanism, and Artisanal Culture in Renaissance Bologna (pp. 185-207)

Meredith J. Gill and William E. Wallace      The Final Calling (pp. 209-220)

Ojcumiła Sieradzka-Malec    Die Sammlung der Goldledertapeten des August II. im Königlichen Schloss auf dem Wawel-Hügel in Krakau (pp. 221-275)

Roberta J. M. Olson and Jay M. Pasachoff   Shedding Light on Danish Art and Astronomy during the ‘Golden Age’ (pp. 277-303)

Conrad Rudolph         Oliva and Gaulli’s Program at the Gesù and the Jesuit Conception of the End of the History of Salvation (Part 1) (pp. 305-335)

Claire Pace     ‘The Beautiful Landscape Made for M. de Bourlemont’: Claude Lorrain’s Painting of Moses and the Burning Bush and Other Works for the Sieur de Bourlemont (pp. 337-361)

Zbigniew Michalczyk             The Triumph of Saint Benedict at the National Museum in Poznań. Between Paul Troger and Jan Bogumił Plersch (pp. 363-384)

More information about the issue can be found here.