Rachel Wischnitzer
From Dura to Rembrandt. Studies in the History of Art

  • Vienna 1990
  • 290 x 222 mm, hardback with dust jacket 220 pages
  • 220 pages, 100 b&w illustrations, 3 full-page colourplates
  • ISBN 3-900731-16-0

A comprehensive collection of articles by Rachel Wischnitzer, the eminent art historian and pioneer researcher on Jewish art. The focus of her work, which spanned a period of 70 years, is on the manifold relations between European and Near Eastern cultures throughout history.

Rachel Wischnitzer (1885-1989) during her long life produced 344 publications, including books, scholarly articles, reviews of books and exhibitions, as well as encyclopedia items. She edited the literary and artistic periodicals Rimon and Milgroim, together with her husband Mark. The doyenne of historians of Jewish art, she was a pioneer in the field when she published in 1913 her first article on the ancient synagogue in Lutsk. Her wide interests drove her to study and publish about Hebrew illuminated manuscripts, synagogue architecture, Jewish and general iconography. Her major contribution to Jewish iconography was a courageous attempt to find a single theme to which all the paintings in the third century Synagogue at Dura Europos would adhere.



Rachel Wischnitzer, Doyenne of Historians of Jewish Art, by Bezalel Narkiss

1. The Ancient Synagogue in Lutsk

2. Vor der Holbeinbibel zur Amsterdamer Haggadah

2A. Zur Pesach Haggadah, von Grunwald, M. Mainz, Kober, E. Toeplitz und I. Sonne

2B. Erwiderung an Dr. Sonne

2C. Zur Amsterdamer Haggadah, von Erich Toeplitz

2D. Zur Amsterdamer Haggadah

3. Die Messianische Hütte in der jüdischen Kunst

4. The Conception of the Resurrection in the Ezekiel Panel of the Dura Synagogue

5. The Messianic Fox

5A. The Fox in Jewish Tradition, by Paul Romanoff

5B. A Reply to Dr. Romanoff

6. The Three Philosophers by Giorgione

7. The Egyptian Revival in Synagogue Architecture

8. Thomas U. Walker’s Crown Street Synagogue, 1848-49

9. Rembrandt, Callot, and Tobias Stimmer

10. The Moneychanger with the Balance. A Topic of Jewish Iconography

11. Ezra Stiles and the Portrait of Menasseh Ben Israel

12. Gleanings: The Ze’ena u-reena and its Illustrations

13. The ‘Closed Temple’ Panel in the Synagogue of Dura Europos

14. Maimonides’ Drawings of the Temple

15. The Ordeal of Bitter Waters and Andrea del Sarto

16. Rembrandt’s So-called ‘Synagogue’ in the Light of Synagogue Architecture

17. Berlin, the Early 1920s

18. From my Archives

19. Reminiscences, École Spéciale d’Architecture, and Mallet-Stevens

Rachel Wischnitzer: A Bibliography

Notes to the Text

Index of the Articles in German

Index of the Articles in English

Index of Manuscripts

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