• Vienna-Cracow 1991
  • 240 × 260 mm, 28 pages
  • 2 full-page colour plates
  • 16 colour, 16 b&w illus.
  • ISBN 3-900731-40-3

An exhibition, held in the summer of 1991 at the Wawel Royal Castle in Cracow, juxtaposed two fascinating versions of a painting recently discovered to be the earliest dated work by Jan Vermeer. Vermeer had copied the Italian composition while still at the beginning of his career. The essays by Arthur K. Wheelock from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., and Lionel Koenig from the C.E.D.A.R.T. in Florence, demonstrate the complex methodological studies, art historical as well as technical analyses (radiographic, ultraviolet, infrared and pigment examinations), involved in securing the attribution to the Dutch master.


Józef Grabski, Jacek Purchla – Introduction

St. Praxedis

Jan Vermeer

Felice Ficherelli

Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr. – ‘St. Praxedis’: the Earliest Dated Painting by Vermeer

Lionel Koenig – Scientific Analysis
Technical Data
‘St. Praxedis’ by Jan Vermeer
‘St. Praxedis’ by Felice Ficherelli
A Radiographic Comparison of the ‘St. Praxedis’ Paintings by Vermeer and Ficherelli


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