- Cracow 1998
- 232 × 252 mm, 298 pages
- 137 full-page colour plates
- ISBN 83-908675-1-6
Publikacja dwujęzyczna w językach polskim i angielskim.
This exhibition catalogue consists of 137 full-page colour illustrations presenting each of the exhibited items. Included are works by A. Aberdam, J. Adler, H. Epstein, M. Feuerring, L. Gottlieb, H. Hayden, R. Kanelba, M. Kisling, R.Kramsztyk, Z. Menkes, S. Mondzain, M. Muter, Z. Schreiter, J. Weingart and E. Zak, each of the artist introduced by a short biographical note. Essays on the history of the circle École de Paris, the Jewish artists in Paris, and finally on the history of the collection itself, form the context for understanding of the whole ensemble.
“The collection of Polish art that has been created during the last twenty years by Wojciech Fibak is undoubtedly one of the most interesting assemblages accomplished by a Pole in the 20th c.”
(from essay by J. Grabski)

Józef Grabski
Artyści żydowscy z Polski w kręgu “École de Paris”. Kolekcja Wojciecha Fibaka
Jewish Artists from Poland in the Circle of “École de Paris”. Wojciech Fibak’s Collection
Władysława Jaworska
Kolekcja żywa
The Living Collection
Jerzy Malinowski
Żydowscy malarze w polskiej kolonii artystycznej w Paryżu w pierwszej połowie XX wieku
Jewish Painters in the Polish Artistic Colony in Paris in the First Half of the 20th Century
Katalog / Catalogue
Alfred Aberdam
Jankiel Adler
Henryk Epstein
Maksymilian Feuerring
Leopold Gottlieb
Henryk Hayden
Alicja Halicka
Rajmund Kanelba
Mojżesz Kisling
Roman Kramsztyk
Zygmunt Menkes
Szymon Mondzain (Samaj Mondszajn)
Mela Muter (Maria Melania Mutermilch)
Zygmunt Schreter (Szreter)
Joachim Weingart
Eugeniusz Zak
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