ed. by Jacek Macyszyn and Józef Grabski
- Cracow–Warsaw 2004
- 232 × 252 mm, 183 pages
- colour illus. & photographs
- ISBN 83-918454-8-6
Publikacja dwujęzyczna w językach polskim i angielskim z biografią i wstępem także w języku arabskim.
‘The tradition of the Polish artistic presence in Iraq which was initiated with the exhibition of Polish art in 1943 (…) was continued by the Polish painter and graphic artist Roman Artymowski (1919-1993) who had intermittently stayed in Iraq in the period from 1959 to 1979.’
(from the essay by Marek M. Dziekan)
‘The painting of Roman Artymowski draws one’s attention by certain artistic qualities which the artist had consistently introduced into the sphere of Polish post-war art. This was the case with the artist’s first individual exhibition presenting the cycle of Italian Landscapes in the year 1959; the paintings presented there were executed in the original encaustic technique. (…) Whereas the artist’s later works had brought one of the greatest series of acrylic Landscapes in the Polish post-war art (…)’
(from the essay by P. Majewski)

Maciej Górski
Marek M. Dziekan
Polsko-irackie związki kulturalne
Polish-Iraqi Cultural Links
Piotr Majewski
Pejzaże spalone słońcem
Sun Burnt Landscapes
Krystyna Czerni
Fatamorgana, albo prace na papierze Romana Artymowskiego
A Mirage or Roman Artymowski’s Works on Paper
Ola Wojtkiewicz
Szepty i krzyki
Whispers and Shouts
Biografia / Biography
Katalog / Catalogue
Wystawy / Exhibitions
Bibliografia / Bibliography