- Cracow–Warsaw 2004
- 232 × 252 mm, 374 pages
- 91 full-page colour plates
- 701 colour illus., 94 b&w photographs
- ISBN 83-918454-7-8
Publikacja dwujęzyczna w językach polskim i angielskim.
The present catalogue offers the first complete inventory of the artist’s drawings, dating from the late 1940s till the very last works drawn in hospital in 1973. An attempt has been made to arrange the 620 drawings chronologically or thematically, basing on their stylistic features and iconographic contents. Among them there are portraits and “Academic” nude sketches, preparatory studies for sculptures and large-format drawing showing abstract organic forms, made purely for the sake of drawing. One can find here both large-size drawings prepared for exhibitions or sale, as well as random “drawing- notes” – the artist’s ideas put down on casual scraps of paper. All drawings (some of which were executed in series consisting of several variants) are illustrated and described in detail. The drawings and about 60 sculptures, also shown on the exhibition, are accompanied by a rich body of scholarship on Szapocznikow’s art (13 essays by art critics and artistfriends of the sculptress), among others – critical texts exploring the role of drawing in her work as a sculptress.

Krystyna Czerni
Drugie skrzydło albo Aliny Szapocznikow sen o lataniu
The Second Wing or Alina Szapocznikow’s Dream about Flying
Anna Żakiewicz
O rysunkach Aliny Szapocznikow
On Alina Szapocznikow’s Drawings
Pierre Descargues
Aleksander Wojciechowski
Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux
Przeklęta strona Aliny Szapocznikow
The Accursed Part of Alina Szapocznikow
Urszula Czartoryska
Transgresja. O przesłaniu twórczości Aliny Szapocznikow
Transgression. On the Message of Alina Szapocznikow’s Art
Jacek Waltoś
Alina Szapocznikow
Jerzy Tchórzewski
O Alinie Szapocznikow
On Alina Szapocznikow
Wojciech Fangor
Słowo o Alinie
A Word about Alina
Wojciech Fangor
Gruzy, cegły Foksal…
Ruins, bricks, Foksal street…
Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz
A Recollection
Pierre Restany
Alina Szapocznikow. Odwieczna mowa ciała
Alina Szapocznikow. The Eternal Language of the Body
Pierre Cabanne
Alina. Na złamanie karku!
Alina. Against All Odds!
Andrzej Wajda
Alina Szapocznikow (1926-1973)
Katalog / Catalogue
Rzeźby / Sculptures
Rysunki / Drawings
Fotorzeźby / Photosculptures
Biografia / Biography
Wystawy / Exhibitions
Bibliografia / Bibliography
Indeks / Index
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