- Cracow 2006
- 232 × 252 mm, 48 pages
- 37 colour illus.
- Tekst w języku polskim
- ISBN 83-89831-05-8
Catalogue of landscape paintings created by Beata Sarapata in 2005 and 2006. Presented works, inspired by the beauty of the mountains and the poetry written by Józef Tischner, reveal the artist’s sensitivity and her ability to analyse the details of the world aroud her and make them subjects of almost abstract colour compositions.

Józef Grabski
Malarstwo pejzażowe Beaty Sarpaty
Stanisław Rodziński
Twórcza wzajemność
Wybrane myśli Józefa Tischnera
Beata Sarapata
Sztuka jest wyborem
Biografia, wystawy, bibliografia