We would like to invite you to a meeting with Prof. Michał Gawlikowski
combined with the with the promotion of the book published by the IRSA publishing house
“Tadmor – Palmyra. A Caravan City between East and West“
which will be held November 29, 2022 at 4 p.m.
in the conference room of Muzeum Archeologiczne w Krakowie (the Archaeological Museum Krakow), 3 Poselska Street.
The organizers invite to the meeting:
Professor Józef Grabski, director of the IRSA Institute
Professor Jacek Górski, director of the Archaeological Museum in Cracow
After the meeting, we encourage you to visit the exhibitions together:
“Bogowie starożytnego Egiptu” (Gods of Ancient Egypt)
“Prima Kolekcja – zabytki greckie i rzymskie w Muzeum Archeologicznym w Krakowie
(Prima Collection – Greek and Roman antiquities in the Archaeological Museum in Cracow)
“Zabytki śródziemnomorskie ze zbiorów Muzeum Archidiecezjalnego we Wrocławiu”
(Mediterranean relics from the collections of the Archdiocesan Museum in Wrocław)