On Wednesday 26 April at 1:30 pm in the Lanckoroński hall in the Institute of Art History of the Jagiellonian University (ul. Grodzka 53, Kraków) Professor Bernard Aikema will deliver a lecture The “Dalpontiana Methodus”. A Neglected Pictorial Mode in Early Modern Europe.
The mature work by Jacopo Bassano and his school, characterized by a multitude of diminutive figures in various landscape and interior surroundings, is a unique phenomenon in Italian and, indeed in European art of the later 16th century. In the lecture I will briefly investigate the pictorial and intellectual sources of this extraordinary pictorial language but also, and more specifically, consider the largely unstudied impact it has had on European painting of the late 16th, 17th and even 18th centuries. The “Dalpontiana methodus”, as I have dubbed the Bassanesque manner for reasons I will explain in the lecture, has left a mark on the art development of Italy, Spain, Holland, France and beyond which is perhaps even more profound than the much more acclaimed “trend” of Caravaggism, with which it shows some parallels.
Bernard Aikema is Professor of Art History at the University of Verona. His field of expertise is Venetian painting and the graphic arts of the 15th-18th centuries and the diffusion and reception of the Renaissance in Europe. He is considered a leading expert on these topics and their methodological reflection. He has been also curator of a number of major exhibitions with scholarly catalogues in Europe and the United States.