We offer two Andréi Nakov’s books on Russian Avantgarde “Kandinsky, the Enigma of the First Abstract Painting” and „Tatlin’s Reliefs: from Cubism to Abstraction” at discounted prices.

Tatlin’s Reliefs: from Cubism to Abstraction
This book discusses the history and significance of the first abstract reliefs and presents numerous hitherto unpublished documents and an interpretation that casts a new light on the history of modern art, both Russian (Malewicz, Popova, Exter and other artists) and Western (Boccioni or Brancusi). A special place is given to an examination of the Cubist sources (Picasso) that played a decisive role in the artist’s bold creative leap.
Discount price €30
Regular price €39

Kandinsky, the Enigma of the First
Abstract Painting
More than an innovative interpretation of Painting with a Circle, this book reveals the multiple levels of censorship that beset the creation of the first purely abstract composition and in many ways beset it still. Casting an entirely new look on it in the light of hitherto unpublished documents relating to the circumstances of its creation and its cultural sources, Andréi Nakov finally does justice to its historical and artistic importance.
Discount price €30
Regular price €37
Additionally we have prepared a special discount:
- a set of both books „Kandinsky, the Enigma of the First Abstract Painting” and „Tatlin’s Reliefs: from Cubism to Abstraction” is available for purchase for only € 55
Shipping not included.
Orders can be placed via email irsa@irsa.com.pl
This special offer is valid until the end of January 2024.
French editions of Andréi Nakov’s books “Kandinsky l’énigme du premier tableau abstrait”, “Les reliefs de Tatline : du cubisme à l’abstraction” and “Malewicz : au-delà des censures” are now available in the catalogue of Selena Editions.

The Slavic-born, French-educated art historian Andréi Nakov has organized major museum exhibitions in the last five decades: Berlin (1977), London (1976 and 1984), Frankfurt (1987), Tokyo (1988), Madrid (1989), Ottawa (2016) and elsewhere. Since 1972, his substantial studies on Futurism, Dada, Constructivism and especially the beginnings of abstract art (Kandinsky, Larionov, Mondrian, Kupka and Freundlich among others) have been published in French, German, English, Italian, Russian and other languages. His publications on the work and writings of Kazimir Malewicz (Paris 1975 and 2003, Stockholm 2010), a four-volume monograph (in French in 2007, English translation in 2010) and a Catalogue raisonné (Paris 2002) are regarded as authoritative works on this artist. His works on Constructivism began in 1972 with a French edition of the writings of Nikolai Tarabukin and the first posthumous monograph devoted to Aleksandra Exter. They were followed by the exhibition catalogue Tatlin’s Dream (London 1973), 2 Stenberg 2 (Paris–London–Toronto, 1975) and the exhibition catalogue Dada and Constructivism (Tokyo and Kamakura 1988, Madrid 1989). Several titles by Nakov have been translated and/or reprinted.