Artibus et Historiae is a journal dedicated to art historical research, published by IRSA Publishing House. The lavishly illustrated articles cover a broad range of subjects, media, historical periods and methodological approaches.
Artibus et Historiae particularly encourages interdisciplinary studies – art history in conjunction with other humanistic fields, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, or literature – and unconventional approaches. Thus it is hoped that the current trends in art history will be well represented in our issues.
The title of our art journal – Artibus et Historiae – comes from personal experiences of its founder, Józef Grabski. ‘Artibus’ is an inscription on the tympanum of historic art exhibition hall (“ZACHĘTA”, founded in 1860) in his native Warsaw. The second part of the title, ‘et historiae’, is a tribute paid to the Countess Karolina Lanckorońska, professor of art history and editor of Polish historical documents in her own Institutum Historicum Polonicum in Rome.

The idea of publishing a new journal that would be both scholarly and interdisciplinary in breadth was conceived in the late 1970s and realised after the International Congress of Art History in Bologna (1979). Thus the international Institute for Art Historical Research IRSA and its affiliate, the IRSA Publishing House, were brought into being and the first number of Artibus et Historiae appeared in 1980.
Artibus et Historiae appears twice a year, in hardback. Articles are in one of the four languages: English, Italian, German or French, at the author’s discretion. Our Advisory Committee – an international board of prominent art historians curators and museum administrators – oversees editorial work and shapes the profile of the journal.
As an academic peer review journal, Artibus et Historiae is indexed in the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) and European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH/ERIH PLUS). Our periodical is also indexed and abstracted in the following databases: Arts and Humanities Citation Index® and Current Contents®/Arts & Humanities.